Just a few photos here of the graduation ceremony held in mid-November for the 2008 K.U. graduates. It was delayed several months in order to accommodate the schedule of the speaker, a former President of India. The ceremony was held in a huge tent set up on the soccer field that held at least 2000 people.
The photos below are of the graduates from the Biotechnology Department who dragged me into a few pictures with them. The family portrait is with Deepak and Prajwal, two of the M.S. students who went to Langtang with us.
Hopefully before Christmas we’ll have some good photos from the holiday party we’re hosting for all the Fulbright students and faculty, and our Nepali colleagues and friends. After Christmas we’ll be going to Chitwan National Park near the Indian border to ride elephants and look at crocodiles and rhinos. There should be some good photos from that trip posted by New Year’s Day. And then, come Jan. 9th, we’re headed back to the U.S.

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